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Your website is a welcoming place for your organization. For some nonprofits, especially ones dedicated to supporting survivors of domestic violence, a website can be a place of hope and new beginnings—a haven. What do domestic violence organizations need in a website? As you’re working to end violence against humanity, remember how important it is for your website to be a safe place. Here are a few features you’ll want to ensure your website includes: Emergency phone link: People visit your website for several reasons, right? T...
As we celebrate this Juneteenth, we recognize that we need to focus on making significant and lasting improvements in our society. We commit to listening, learning, discussing and standing up for what is right. To promote continuous growth and to reflect on this meaningful day, we’re sharing resources our Firespring family has found useful. What are the resources you’d add to the list? Resources JuneteenthThe history of JuneteenthWhat Juneteenth means in 2020Why Juneteenth is more important now than everNational resource and educa...
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic spread to Nebraska and we—like many businesses—had some big decisions to make. Our offices shut their doors on March 16, and the majority of Firespringers began working from home. As of the publishing of this blog, most team members are still working from home. But that doesn’t mean the office is silent. The machines on the print production floor are busy as ever, and our awesome print production team is there to make sure our clients get the beautiful print materials they expect. Our print production team p...
Social distancing may still be in place, but don’t let that stop you from reaching out. How are you doing lately at letting your customers know how much you appreciate their business? Customer retention is a big deal, especially if you’re like many business owners and want to turn 2020 around to make the second half a better half. The importance of customer appreciation You probably know this, but let me be clear: It’s more cost effective to keep your current customers than to find new ones. You don’t want to get caught with a revolving door on your business, so to speak. ...
Events will happen again. Maybe not next week or next month, but eventually you’ll be planning and promoting and gathering people together in person to support your cause again, so if you do have the luxury of time right now, there are things you can do to make good use of it. There’s no time like the present to evaluate your event planning and promotion process so when you’re ready to open the doors again, you’ll have more people coming through them than ever before. Develop a solid promotional strategy. When your nonprofit first decides on an idea for a fundraising event,...
Events will happen again. Maybe not next week or next month, but eventually you’ll be planning and promoting and gathering people together in person to support your cause again, so if you do have the luxury of time right now, there are things you can do to make good use of it. There’s no time like the present to evaluate your event planning and promotion process so when you’re ready to open the doors again, you’ll have more people coming through them than ever before. Develop a solid promotional strategy. When your nonprofit first decides on an idea for a fundraising event,...